Public Member Functions | |
__construct (array $streams=[], $private_key=null) | |
isOpen () | |
setGroups (array $groups) | |
getGroup (string $name) | |
isListening () | |
getPorts () | |
getMotd () | |
isOnlineMode () | |
broadcast ($msg, int $position=ChatPosition::SYSTEM) | |
getPlayers () | |
adminBroadcast ($msg, string $permission="everything") | |
permissionBroadcast (string $permission, $msg, int $position=ChatPosition::SYSTEM) | |
sendAdminBroadcast ($message, string $permission="everything") | |
getOfflinePlayer (string $name_or_uuid) | |
getPlayer ($name_or_uuid) | |
getName () | |
sendMessage ($message) | |
close ($reason=null) | |
softClose () | |
hasPermission (string $permission) | |
hasServer () | |
getServer () | |
hasPosition () | |
getPosition () | |
Public Attributes | |
$streams | |
$private_key | |
$clients | |
$persist_configs = false | |
$compression_threshold = 256 | |
$groups = [] | |
$join_function = null | |
$packet_function = null | |
$disconnect_function = null | |
$list_ping_function = null | |
$allow_incompatible_versions = false | |
$open_condition | |
![]() | |
$worlds = [] | |
$eidCounter | |
Protected Attributes | |
$tick_loop | |
A basic Minecraft server. This deals with connections, configurations, handshakes, status requests, keep alive packets, and teleportation confirmations. This does not include implementing an entire server; that is what packet_function and IntegratedServer are for.
Phpcraft\Server::__construct | ( | array | $streams = [] , |
$private_key = null |
) |
array<resource> | $streams An array of streams created by stream_socket_server to listen for clients on. | |
resource | null | $private_key | A private key generated using openssl_pkey_new(["private_key_bits" => 1024, "private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA]) to use for online mode, or null to use offline mode. |
Phpcraft\Server::adminBroadcast | ( | $msg, | |
string | $permission = "everything" |
) |
Sends a message to the server console and all players with the given permission, e.g. "everything" for administrators.
array | string | null | ChatComponent | $msg | |
string | $permission |
Phpcraft\Server::broadcast | ( | $msg, | |
int | $position = ChatPosition::SYSTEM |
) |
Sends a message to all players and prints it to the console.
array | string | null | ChatComponent | $msg | |
int | $position |
Phpcraft\Server::close | ( | $reason = null | ) |
Closes all server listen sockets and client connections.
array | string | null | ChatComponent | $reason | The reason for closing the server, sent to clients before disconnecting them. |
Phpcraft\Server::getGroup | ( | string | $name | ) |
Returns the group with the given name or null if not found.
string | $name |
Phpcraft\Server::getMotd | ( | ) |
Returns the "description" key from $this->list_ping_function's return array, cast to ChatComponent.
Phpcraft\Server::getName | ( | ) |
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::getOfflinePlayer | ( | string | $name_or_uuid | ) |
Gets the ClientConfiguration of a player who might be offline.
string | UUID | $name_or_uuid |
Phpcraft\Server::getPlayer | ( | $name_or_uuid | ) |
Returns a client in state 3 (playing) with the given name or UUID, or null if not found.
string | UUID | $name_or_uuid |
Phpcraft\Server::getPlayers | ( | ) |
Returns all clients in state 3 (playing).
Reimplemented in Phpcraft\ProxyServer.
Phpcraft\Server::getPorts | ( | ) |
Returns the ports the server is listening on.
Phpcraft\Server::getPosition | ( | ) |
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::getServer | ( | ) |
Available in accordance with the CommandSender interface.
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::hasPermission | ( | string | $permission | ) |
Phpcraft\Server::hasPosition | ( | ) |
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::hasServer | ( | ) |
Available in accordance with the CommandSender interface.
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::isListening | ( | ) |
Returns true if the server has at least one socket to listen for new connections.
Phpcraft\Server::isOnlineMode | ( | ) |
Returns true if the server is in online mode.
Phpcraft\Server::isOpen | ( | ) |
Returns true if the server has at least one socket to listen for new connections on or at least one client.
Phpcraft\Server::permissionBroadcast | ( | string | $permission, |
$msg, | |||
int | $position = ChatPosition::SYSTEM |
) |
Sends a message to all clients in playing state with the given permission.
string | $permission | |
array | string | null | ChatComponent | $msg | |
int | $position |
Phpcraft\Server::sendAdminBroadcast | ( | $message, | |
string | $permission = "everything" |
) |
Sends a message to the server console and "[Server: $message]" to all players with the given permission.
array | string | null | ChatComponent | $message | |
string | $permission |
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::sendMessage | ( | $message | ) |
Prints a message to the console. Available in accordance with the CommandSender interface. If you want to print to console specifically, just use PHP's echo
array | string | null | ChatComponent | $message |
Implements Phpcraft\Command\CommandSender.
Phpcraft\Server::setGroups | ( | array | $groups | ) |
array<string,array<string,string|array<string>>> | $groups |
Phpcraft\Server::softClose | ( | ) |
Closes all server listen sockets but keeps connected clients.
bool Phpcraft\Server::$allow_incompatible_versions = false |
If true, clients using incompatible versions will not be prevented from logging in.
SplObjectStorage Phpcraft\Server::$clients |
A ClientConnection array of all clients that are connected to the server.
int Phpcraft\Server::$compression_threshold = 256 |
The amount of bytes at which a packet will be compressed. This applies bi-directionally, but the server decides on the value. Use -1 to disable compression.
callable Phpcraft\Server::$disconnect_function = null |
The function called when a client's disconnected from the server with the ClientConnection as argument.
array< Group > Phpcraft\Server::$groups = [] |
callable Phpcraft\Server::$join_function = null |
The function called when a client has entered state 3 (playing) with the ClientConnection as argument.
callable Phpcraft\Server::$list_ping_function = null |
The function called when to get the server's response to a list ping request with the ClientConnection as argument or null if called internally to get list ping information, e.g. in a plugin. See the documentation of ServerConnection::getStatus for an example of all the data a server may respond with (excluding "ping"), or if you return null, the list ping won't be completed. Additionally, if you set "no_ping", the client will show "(no connection)" where usually the ping in ms would be.
Condition Phpcraft\Server::$open_condition |
callable Phpcraft\Server::$packet_function = null |
The function called when the server receives a packet from a client in state 3 (playing) unless it's a keep alive response with the ClientConnection and ServerboundPacketId as arguments.
bool Phpcraft\Server::$persist_configs = false |
True if you'd like every client's config to be persisted across connections from the same client. This is true by default on the IntegratedServer.
resource Phpcraft\Server::$private_key |
A private key generated using openssl_pkey_new(["private_key_bits" => 1024, "private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA]) to use for online mode, or null to use offline mode.
array< resource > Phpcraft\Server::$streams |
The streams the server listens for new connections on.
protected |